P001 → Londonia

“...a dystopian yet enchanting novel set in the early 2070s, a period some three decades after the Final Curtain, a cataclysmic occurrence whose exact nature is never revealed... The author does a fine job portraying her Dickensian characters. Hardy’s almost hopeful view of the world’s inevitably chaotic future lifts this entertaining and well-told tale.” Publishers Weekly

Paperback edition and ebook available from the publishers, Tartarus Press and from Amazon.

A post-apocalyptic but optimistic and tale set in London - year 2072. The story follows the life of Hoxton, a grand 'Finder' as she weaves her way between the lawless sprawl of Londonia and the central power state of the Cincture seeking out Cincture-prized items such as rare 'antique' Ikea furniture. Having been summoned to Find a particularly rare piece of furniture Hoxton meets a 'mirror-dame' in the border cleansing area. The result of the accidental meeting commences Hoxton's ultimate Finding mission . . . 

"A deeply engaging and always-entertaining novel, the author’s superb use and invention of future language is brilliant." Paula Guran, Locus magazine

"Enchanting . . . Hardy’s almost hopeful view of the world’s inevitably chaotic future lifts this entertaining and well-told tale.”  Publishers Weekly

"This is a superbly written book retaining dialogue, place and characterisation to a masterful level. You believe in Hardy’s world and it should hardly be long before a producer is clamouring to make her highly visual future London into a film or series… it strikes at the heart of what we consider to be important in life – something all of us are thinking about at this strange time." Kindred Spirit

"Londonia fizzes with boisterous humour and quirky invention . . . For those needing diversion, this chunky and handsomely produced novel is a delicious book to sink into; it also helps to think through what really matters in life and perhaps to learn a lesson or two from our own current predicament." Hackney Citizen

The audiobook is due for release in early 2025, narrated by the author, with music composed by Mark Lockett, and a soundscape created from recordings of the sonic environment of London.

For a five minute trailer/showreel click here.

If you want to see/hear more there’s a taster of one of the creepier chapters here.

One final review from Goodreads :

“Londonia is a riveting read, a real page-turner. Reminiscent of both Dickens and Mad Max, the book which is set in London in 2072, hooks you into a remarkable imaginary future world from the start. 

The post-apocalyptic worlds of Londonia (also known as “The Pan”) which is the outer-lying outer part of London, and the Cincture - the hyper central state - are both fascinatingly contrasted...Londonia very visceral, poor and Dickensian, while in the Cincture, the high-speed fashion lifestyles continue in denial. 

Hoxton, the feisty female protagonist is a brilliant character. She arrives in London having lost her memory and ends up living in a disused church in Shoreditch with her horse Kafka. Becoming a ‘Finder’ of precious commodities, she moves between the states of Londonia and The Cincture. Other colourful characters come with equally colourful names - Mrs Hedgefund, Jake the Prophet, Bert the Swagger, El Capo etc. 

The book is a satire on our consumer society, the gap between haves and have-nots and the vacuous, fickle nature of fashion. It also offers signposts for how we can live more lightly on our planet. It's also very zeitgeist – the post internet, climate ravaged world portrayed in 2072 is the result of an apocalyptic event that happened in 2038…the reality is that our world may be heading this way sooner than we think…

With all its inventiveness and imagination, including time-altered language, the book has a real flair and magnetism to it. Extremely well written and crafted, it’s a wild-hearted romp of a ride.”